..Shooka shooka shooka shooka... That's usually the subtle sound that precedes the laughing (or the attempt not to).. Shooka shooka shooka shooka ..The sound that usually initiates some kind of involuntary spasm or flinch, or in my case, gripping the arms of the chair so tightly, that I almost leave finger marks in them. If you've ever gotten a pedicure before, and you're even remotely ticklish on your feet, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Not gonna' lie, it's kinda' fun to have done, yet it can be almost friggin' unbearable at times. I'm talking about the "pumice scrubby stone" that the pedi folks seem to loooooooove running up & down the bottoms of your feet, supposedly to remove dead skin & callouses, but probably because it's comedically entertaining to them to do it! Put it this way, at my place, U2 Nails (Northport, NY), the girls are all Chinese. I think there is a reason that something exists called "Chinese Tickle Torture", because my regular girl, Annie, goes fairly easy on me with the scrubby..But if I get two or three of the other girls, they seem to relish watching me trying not to laugh, and my head turning a unique shade of purple, as they give me the extended scrub..and laughing themselves as they ask, "Ohhhh, you tickrish?" ..Naaaaahhhh, what would've ever given you that idea?? The holding in of a giggle? The borderline-epileptic convulsions? The beads of sweat on my reddish/purple forehead? My friend Rachael actually brought up the great point of "Why do they even run that thing up in the arch?" Callouses are usually heels & balls-of-the-foot, but those pedi girls/guys suuuuuuuure do love blasting that scrubby in people's arches! Haha, but don't get me wrong, it actually is enjoyable, even if unbearable, to have done, because the reactions ARE fun and, hey, the comedy IS therapeutic anyway, right? OK, so the video above is me, of course, getting my scrubby "shooka shooka shooka" on at the pedi place, over a year ago. But there's a GREAT backstory..First off, the filming of this hilarity only happened because my dear childhood friend, Nicole, who looooves watching me squirm (or causing the squirming), insisted on filming it and immediately posting it online..(Love YOU, my evil childhood friend!)..Second, I was gonna prepare myself, try a mind-over-matter approach and focus intensely, and hold back the laughing this time. Well, that all went out the window when my friend Christina, on my right side, told me a hilarious story from her job as a nurse at a senior facility: It was time for the changing of an elderly person's very full (poopsie!)adult diaper, who was being crabby & difficult, and thus, didn't want their diaper changed. After much pleading & negotiating, all to no avail, a tug of war ensued, with Christina & her fellow nurse co-worker pulling on the loaded diaper to try and get it off, and the elderly person pulling back with both hands, trying to keep the diaper on. Well, what would give? Those tape straps that hold the diaper on! The diaper tore loose, flew across the room, emptying its contents all over the wall in true horror-movie "blood-splatter" fashion! Christina exploded, yelling every obscenity known to man, while the co-worker just stood there motionless, panic-screaming like she was actually in the movie, "Scream"! ...OK, there it is, the full backstory.. So now, when you watch the above video, and you see me laughing as it starts, it's because Christina had just told me that "poop story" before Nicole pressed the "record" button! I was already cracking up before the scrubby even started! There was absolutely no mind-over-matter possible at that point! (You can even hear me reference the "poop story" and "crap story" through my laughing) ..Still, made for a funny video that got more than a few views on youtube! And yes, I am quite sure there will be a few more sequels filmed of me being "tormented" in a pedi chair! Apparently, it's pretty funny stuff ..Shooka shooka shooka shooka...
Yep, I'm a big ape who loves pedis! Took a dare, then THAT took on a life of its own! I was told that it would make a great blog subject, so here we go... Blogging about living life barefoot, pedicure love, and funny bare feet stuff that'll get you laughing! Come on in, plenty of smiles await, so keep scrolling down as you go (AND click "older posts" at the end)! DON'T BE A CREEP! It ain't about a fetish here, it's simply about 3 letters: F-U-N!
Best. Motto. Ever.

You'll hear me repeat it until my dying day: "BARE FEET = HAPPY LIFE!" ...It's THAT simple!
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