Best. Motto. Ever.

Best. Motto. Ever.
You'll hear me repeat it until my dying day: "BARE FEET = HAPPY LIFE!" ...It's THAT simple!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Tales of the Ticklish: Tickling Mom & Dad's Feet, Running Away Very Fast!

The original version..
Cute bare feet, right?!..
     The human brain, and it's seemingly unlimited storage capacity.. Our biological version of the biggest computer hard drive that hasn't even been built yet. It's amazing how certain sights, smells, sounds, and tastes can, from out-of-nowhere, trigger such long-forgotten memories, immediately bringing them up to the surface, where you then remember every single detail & nuance of the event that happened so long ago. I've typed long and often in this ongoing, "Bare feet are awesome", blog about a silly, but irresistable, love of tickling bare feet, that I've had ever since I was a little kid. Bluntly put, an unbridled love of making people laugh, and a feeling that ticklish laughter is just some of the best, most soulful (or "sole-ful", if you're searching for a pun) laughter that you'll ever experience in your life. Well, cue the great memories once again..
..BUT, flip the photo 90 degrees, and
it's how my parents' bare feet would
look, hanging off the end of our couch! LOL!
     Recently, I saw this fantastic bare feet photo online, and I think it was from some bedding ad, showing a couple's bare feet sticking out from under the blankets. I immediately took notice, because the bottoms of cute bare feet always, immediately, conjure the word "tickle" in my brain, instantly forcing a smile to form on my lips! But, as I stared longer at the photo, something in my brain told me to flip it 90 degrees, so I did.. And, BOOM, there the memory was! I started laughing, literally out loud, at the vivid visual that came rushing back, now hoping that you'll laugh along with me.. This was how my parents bare feet would look, stacked up, as they laid together on the couch, watching TV, waaaaaaaaaay back in the late 1970's!
     My beloved Mom & Dad would always lay on the couch together, when I was 7 or 8, or maybe 9, years old, to watch TV in the late afternoons, or evenings, while I played with toys or read comic books. But they would always lay spoon-style (Dad in back of Mom, Mom at the front edge), and thus, their feet would hang off the end of this couch, almost exactly like pictured in the 2nd photo! More than once, 2nd or 3rd grade me would be walking by, catch sight of the bottoms of two pairs of bare feet set up, PERFECTLY, like this, and immediately go for the ticklish laughs! (I had watched enough Three Stooges, or Little Rascals, episodes to know that you're SUPPOSED to tickle any bare feet that you see!) The reactions, if I remember correctly, were always hilarious, as they would both spasm and lightly kick at my little, annoying, tickling fingers! My mother, who is as nuclear-ticklish in her arches as I am, would laugh hysterically, while my Dad would also laugh, but would also manage to squeeze in a warning of a severe butt-whipping, if I didn't stop! (That was actually one of the funnier parts of an already funny situation: My tougher-than-steel Dad, trying to growl a threat, while simultaneously laughing) It was only when Dad swung his legs off the couch to jump up, that I knew it was time to run away, as fast as I could! "Feets, don't fail me now!!" ..Still, the chance to make Mom & Dad laugh was always worth a crack across the ass for insubordination! To my young ears, ticklish feet laughter was better than hearing them laugh at any funny movie/TV scene, and it was better by a wide margin! Because it was me who was causing the laughter, not some actor or comedian! Great times, great memories, and a lifetime of love & laughs. Thanks, brain, for keeping that memory in storage! And, three cheers, as always, for ticklish bare feet! :)

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