Best. Motto. Ever.

Best. Motto. Ever.
You'll hear me repeat it until my dying day: "BARE FEET = HAPPY LIFE!" ...It's THAT simple!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summer 2014, Part 2: "Dirty Bare Feet Means You're Doing It Right!!"

My friend, and fitness coach extraordinaire,
LeLou, the "barefooting beast", knows all
about the happiness of dirty bare feet!
     Last blog-post, I remarked about making sure your bare feet were ready for summer, and to enjoy the benefits of repeated trips to the pedicure salon.. But if you're a barefooter like me, you tend to trash your feet repeatedly, so having dirty feet kinda' becomes a happy badge of honor, in most cases! In a blog that I wrote a few months back, I addressed how some people find it gross, but so many people love the sight of dirty bare feet. Not in a sexual fetish way.. although there's plenty of those out there (WAY too many f**king creeps).. but more of a, "having a good time" way! Because, 9 times out of 10, if your bare feet are dirty, you had a REALLY good day! So let's all go barefoot more often, and all it takes is a shower and some bodywash to reset it back to clean bare feet.. ready to be trashed once again! :)
Dirty bare feet via a nice day at the park..

Oh, how I absolutely LOVE this! An Instagrammer posted this,
that she did her entire wedding ceremony AND reception completely
barefoot! As someone who dances barefoot all the time at
wedding receptions (WELL documented throughout the 3+ years
of this blog), this really made me smile! I'm not crazy, GO BAREFOOT

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