Best. Motto. Ever.

Best. Motto. Ever.
You'll hear me repeat it until my dying day: "BARE FEET = HAPPY LIFE!" ...It's THAT simple!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tales of the Ticklish: Who Doesn't Love Peek-A-Boo Feet?!?

Don't be silly, you are NOT walking by
this without tickling! LOL!
My beautiful friend Ruby can't resist 
tickling her son's bare foot
 as it peeks out from under a blanket! :) .. LOVE!
      During my happy, silly, fun, lifelong love of tickling bare feet whenever the joyous, laughter-inducing opportunity would pop up, one of my favorite things in the entire world is the irresistable cuteness of "peek-a-boo" feet! Things like feet peeking out from under a blanket, feet sticking between car seats, feet hanging off a couch arm or bed.. all completely impossible to pass up if you're walking by! I think it's simple human nature to want to make someone else laugh out loud, or just feel happy, so seeing bare feet "gift-wrapped" & waiting (for tickles) is what makes that whole hilarious scene so delicious! If you've ever seen videos of the Renfaires (medieval-style festivals) over in Italy, they are always locking people in stocks, with their bare feet sticking out, and tickling them, MUCH to the delight of the crowd that gathers to watch, and relish in, the hysterical laughter! (I would LOVE it if those types of fairs happened here in the states, but, as I blogged about in an earlier "Tales of the Ticklish", we are just too uptight a society here).. I know I'm not alone in this, as many of my dearest friends (Ruby, Emilie, Jocetta, Erin, Kim, Sue, Nicole, Christine) all think like I do! Hah, and many of their kids do, too! I mentioned, a few weeks ago, that kids (well, at least the family & friends that I personally know & love) absolutely LOVE tickling feet, especially once they find out you're ticklish! Plus, they are the most ruthless in getting YOU to laugh! If you don't know this fact, you simply don't have any kids around when your shoes are off! LOL!! ..In fact, many people probably don't even realize how much they love tickling "peek-a-boo" feet, they just love seeing those feet, and get all happy at the sudden thought of running fingertips up their child's.. or parents.. or loved one's.. or ticklish friend's bare soles, to cause some kind of perfect combination of laughter, spasms, giggles, and yelps! It's as much addicting fun for the tickler as it is the ticklee, I assure you! It just takes a freak like me to sit down & actually compose a blog about it! ..Laughter is always worth the annoying freakiness! Keep tickling those feet when you see 'em!
AHHHH! I LOVE this photo from FlickR!! Irresistably fun camera angle!!


  1. I love this blog! and I'm with you I can't resist the urge to pick up any toes that happen to be poking out from under a blanket.

    I'm so happy that you took the advice to start this blog I love it!

    Unfortunately I have broken a toe and will not be able to get my wonderful pedicurefor about 4 weeks :-(

    1. Thank you SO much, Cindy! Knowing that I can make people laugh, and brighten their day, by writing about silly bare feet topics & tickling the ticklish, definitely puts a HUGE smile on my face and makes it worth it to keep writing! ..Make sure you subscribe to this blog (there's a link in the left margin), and then you'll get email notifications whenever I post new stuff! Thanks again, and keep tickling! And keep laughing!

    2. And prayers for speedy healing of that toe!!!!!!!
