Best. Motto. Ever.

Best. Motto. Ever.
You'll hear me repeat it until my dying day: "BARE FEET = HAPPY LIFE!" ...It's THAT simple!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

4th of July Toes, 2012.. "You Can Still ROCK in America!"

Happy 4th of July, Crazy Toes friends!
As a true patriot and lover of our great nation, it is a yearly, welcome tradition for me to get the American flag on my toes, in some form or variation! I find what works best is that the big toes get the dark blue and the white stars, and then the other toes get done as a red or white stripe, alternating... Gotta love it! But the silly, funny conversation that just happened ten minutes ago, between my amazing pal, Kelly (the beloved Kellytoes) & me was my favorite moment of today, so far! I sent her the pic that I am uploading to this blogpost, and Kelly responded, "OMG! So great!! If Uncle Sam got pedicures, his feet would totally look like this!".. Which then I responded back, "Yeah, but I'm probably more ticklish on my feet than Uncle Sam! From the looks of that serious grimace face on all the classic 'I WANT YOU' posters, I don't think he would ever laugh during a pedicure, whatsoever!!" LOL!!..Then Kelly typed back, "Haha!! I'm sure if we gave his feet a good scrubbing, we would definitely get a giggle out of him!!" ...LMAO!!! Ok, holy crap, that right there put the funniest visual in my head for this 4th of July holiday: Uncle Sam, in a pedicure chair, with his red & white striped pants rolled up over his kneecaps, getting the bottoms of his bare feet pumice-"tickle scrubbed", roaring with belly-laughter, with his little white tuft-beard flying all over the place as he laughs!! So deliciously hysterical to even contemplate that fictional silliness!! Hah, not only can you still rock in America, you most definitely can still laugh in America! Have a great, happy, barefoot 4th of July everyone, and God bless our armed forces, wherever they may be!

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