Best. Motto. Ever.

Best. Motto. Ever.
You'll hear me repeat it until my dying day: "BARE FEET = HAPPY LIFE!" ...It's THAT simple!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

BAREFOOT: A Wine Named After My Life? ..WIN!

Enjoying Barefoot, while barefoot!
Still barefoot! 
"Barefoot" brand wine. I saw the bottle one day in the local liquor store, and chuckled to myself, "They named a wine basically after the way I live my life!" ..After all, as stated in earlier blogs, there's probably no one who loves goin' barefoot more than me when temperatures and/or circumstances allow (or sometimes even when they're less than ideal)... So, I bought the bottle to bring over a friend's was the merlot..and, surprise! A GREAT bottle of wine! Which then led us to try their pinot grigio, the cabernet sauvignon, and their chardonnay. All of them were fantastic! The merlot was our favorite of their reds, and their pinot grigio was our favorite of their whites. But you really can't go wrong with any of their flavors, so pick some up. You don't even have to be a barefooter to enjoy it.. But, as we all know, life's better Barefoot, anyway! ;)

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