Best. Motto. Ever.

Best. Motto. Ever.
You'll hear me repeat it until my dying day: "BARE FEET = HAPPY LIFE!" ...It's THAT simple!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter Toes 2013!

Don't be jealous! LOL!
     Another hilarious & fun day in the pedicure chair, and another chance to run with another holiday theme! I told my Asian nail girl that I wanted it to look like someone smashed up a buncha' blue & yellow marshmallow peeps.. She had absolutely no idea what I was talking about.."What is marshmarrow peep?"..  Hah, but I love the results anyway! Happy Easter from Barefoot Nation, and the guy with the coolest toes out there!
Using the Colorsplash app to make everything black & white except for my toenails, plus an HDR filter.. "Bare Feet As Art" again! :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013